There are no requirements for registering a “.nl” domain
The minimum registration term for “.nl” extensions is 1 year.
No, we don’t offer Trustee service for this extension.
Yes, it does support third level extension, you can register domains with “” “" and “"
Yes, it is
The contact information is:
Sponsoring Organisation
SIDN (Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland)
P.O. Box 5022
Arnhem 6802 EA
Administrative Contact
Managing Director
SIDN (Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland)
P.O. Box 5022
Arnhem 6802 EA
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +31 26 3525500
Fax: +31 26 3525505
Technical Contact
Manager ICT
SIDN (Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland)
P.O. Box 5022
Arnhem 6802 EA
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +31 26 3525500
Fax: +31 26 3525550
The authority in charge of managing this extension is “SIDN.NL”
The .NL Registry is not currently offering IDN characters
The minimum is 2 and the maximum is 63
It is possible to register the letters a to z, the numbers 0 to 9 and the hyphen “-“. However, it is not possible to register domains that begin or end with a hyphen “-“