There are no requirements for registering a “.tc” domain
The minimum registration term for “.tc” extensions is 1 year.
No, we don’t offer Trustee service for this extension.
Yes, it does support third level extension, you can register domains with “”
Yes, it is
The contact information is:
Sponsoring Organisation
Melrex TC
Richmond House
PO Box 127
Leeward Highway Providenciales
Turks And Caicos Islands
Administrative Contact
Mr. John Williams
TCI Telecommunications Commission
P.O. Box 203
872 Business Solutions Building Leeward Highway
Turks And Caicos Islands
Email: [email protected]
Voice: 649-9461900
Fax: 649-9461119
Technical Contact
Ali Yilmaz
NIC TC Internet Hizmetleri A.S.
Hüseyin Yılmaz Cad. 67 D Blok - 207
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +90 850 8850888
Fax: +90 850 8850804
The authority in charge of managing this extension is “NIC.TC”
The .TC Registry is not currently offering IDN characters
The minimum is 2 and the maximum is 63
It is possible to register the letters a to z, the numbers 0 to 9 and the hyphen “-“. However, it is not possible to register domains that begin or end with a hyphen “-“