There are no requirements for registering a “.ar” domain.
The minimum registration term for “.ar” extensions is 1 year.
No, we don’t offer Trustee service for this extension.
Yes, it does support third level extension, you can register domains with “” and “”
The contact information is:
Presidencia de la Nación – Secretaría Legal y Técnica
Balcarce N°50 – Planta Baja
Buenos Aires C1064AAB
Administrative Contact
Lic. Julian Dunayevich
Presidencia de la Nación – Secretaría Legal y Técnica - Dirección Nacional del Registro de Dominios de Internet
San Martín 536 – Piso 1
Buenos Aires C1004AAL
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +54 11 5235-1160
Fax: +54 11 5235-1160
Technical Contact
Sr. Santiago Alberch
Presidencia de la Nación – Secretaría Legal y Técnica - Dirección General de Sistemas Informaticos
juncal N°847 – Planta Baja
Buenos Aires C1064AAB
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +54 11 5235-1160
Fax: +54 11 5235-1160
The authority in charge of managing this extension is “NIC.AR”
Yes, it supports “ñ” and “ç” and accented vocals.
The minimum is 4 and the maximum is 50
It is possible to register all characters that belong to Spanish and Portuguese (including “ñ” and “ç”), accented vocals and dashes “-“. It is not possible to register domains that start with characters “xn—“ or that start with a dash “-“.