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.BB Whois Search in Barbados

Search Whois information of domain names in Barbados. Using our domain search tool you can check availability and Whois information for any .BB domain extension.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the registration requirements for registering a .BB domain?

In order to register a .BB or .COM.BB domain, the domain owner must have a company incorporated in Barbados.

What is the minimum registration term allowed?

The minimum registration term for “.bb” extensions is 1 year.

Do you offer Trustee for this extension?

No, we don’t offer Trustee service for this extension.

Does this extension support third level domains?

Yes, it does support third level extension, you can register domains with “”

Is there an official whois server for .BB domains?

.BB does not count with an official whois server

What is the contact information of this registry?

The contact information is:


Sponsoring Organisation

Government of Barbados

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development

Telecommunications Unit

3rd Floor East

Warrens Complex

Warrens St. Michael BB12001


Administrative Contact

Mr. Reginald Bourne, Chief Telecommunications Officer

Government of Barbados Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Telecommunications Unit

3rd Floor East

Warrens Complex

Warrens St. Michael BB12001


Email: [email protected]

Voice: +1 246 310 2251

Fax: +1 246 620 0960

Technical Contact

Mr. Winston Devonish, Senior Telecommunications Officer

Government of Barbados Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Telecommunications Unit

3rd Floor East

Warrens Complex

Warrens St. Michael BB12001


Email: [email protected]

Voice: +1 246 310 2220

Fax: +1 246 620 0960

Who is the registry that manages this domain extension?

The authority in charge of managing this extension is “WHOIS.TELECOMS.GOV.BB”

Does .BB support IDN characters?

The .BB Registry is not currently offering IDN characters

What are the minimum and maximum length of characters?

The minimum is 3 and the maximum is 63

What characters .BB extension supports?

It is possible to register the letters a to z, the numbers 0 to 9 and hyphen “-“. However, it is not possible to register domains that begin or end with a hyphen “-“ or have it located in the third and fourth positions.

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